Elite Music Competition
Rules and Timeline
1. About the Competition
The International Elite Music Competition consists of 2 rounds: Pre-selection round and final round. It is open to all nationalities and ages in piano, strings, wind, vocal and chamber music. Each discipline is divided into different age categories.
KEYBOARDS: Piano Solo, Harpsichord, Organ, Accordion
STRINGS: Violin, Viola, Cello, Double bass, Guitar, Harp
WOODWINDS: Flute, Oboe, English horn, Clarinet, Saxophone, Bassoon
BRASSWINDS: Trumpet, French Horn, Trombone, Euphonium, Tuba
VOICE: Soprano, Mezzo-Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Baritone, Bass
PERCUSSION: Vibraphone, Marimba, Snare drum, Setup, Timpani, Drum set, Hands-percussion
CHAMBER MUSIC: Duo, Trio, Quartet, Quintet, String Quartet, Saxophone Quartet, Wind Quintet, Reed Quintet, Others
2. Competition Timeline
Pre-selection round entry starts from Nov. 15, 2024 and ends on January 20, 2025;
Participants who advance to the second round will be informed by January 31, 2025;
Those who agree to enter final round should register by February 14, 2025.
Final result will be announced by February 21, 2025.
3. Registration
3.1 First Round Registration
For first round, entrants must visit the official website of International Elite Music Competition and complete the preliminary round application form on the “Apply” page, submit a video recording link of their musical performance.
This competition accepts links to major global video websites: YouTube, Vimeo, BiliBili or Youku.
Please make sure you fully comply with the “Video Requirements” instructed on the "Apply" page. If there is a situation that does not comply with the following rules, the participants will automatically lose their qualifications for the final round.
Selected finalists will receive an email invitation with instructions on how to apply for the final round. Invitations will be sent by email. KINDLY PLEASE REMEMBER TO CHECK THE SPAM BOX in your mailbox in the case of the mail sent by our system is considered as spam email provider.
3.2 Final Round Registration
For the final round(entry fee: 90 EUR), qualified participants will receive a inquiry form to obtain their artist profiles which will be published on major social medium. Participants who advance to the final round can use the same work presented during the preliminary round or update(change repertoire) it during this stage by indicating when filling out the inquiry form.
4. Video Requirements
Please note, audios or download links will not be accepted.
The Competition only accepts video links to major global video websites: YouTube, Vimeo, BiliBili or Youku.
Please check and make sure your video meet the following requirements:
Video recordings performed by the applicants may not be edited, nor should any effects be added.
The video recorded must be made no later than 18 months preceding the date of your entry.
Videos must clearly show both hands and face in one take, with the camera at a fixed angle and close to the candidate.
We strongly recommend to film a professional or high-quality video to ensure the optimal material presented to the Jury.
For pieces that require accompaniment, it must always be with piano accompaniment (not orchestra)
There is no minimum requirement for the duration of the video. Should the maximum recording exceed the duration limit in your respected category, the jury has the right to listen to any time frame in your video.
When uploading your video, name your title in the following order: Instrument- category- name of the performer/ Composer: Name of the piece
(Example: Violin- Youth- Midori Doremi/ Wieniawski: Variations on an Original Theme, Op. 15) -
Videos should be available for watching online. Please do NOT select “Private” which will result in a failure in reviewing your entry. YouTube videos should be set to “Public” or “Unlisted”. Similarly, on other sites, such as Vimeo, BiliBili, etc.
5. Obligations of Participants
The International Elite Music Competition aims at spotting and promoting music talents around the globe. We appreciate it if participants would comply with the following obligations.
It is forbidden to have contact with any of the Jury members right before or during the competition.
Both rounds of the competition may be broadcasted on radio and television, recorded on audio, video or film tapes, CDs, and the video and audio recordings may be uploaded to the organizers' media platforms (Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, etc.) at no additional payment to the participants.
The competition reserve a right to publicize the participant's image in materials related to the contest (including articles and reviews in the social media); the recordings of the competition performances and the closing concerts made by any audio, video, digital or other means of recording; radio, online, TV broadcasts or other publicity of the participant's image, including commercial usage of such recordings, without any payment to the participants.
By entering the International Elite Music Competition, the participant consents to the dissemination of one's image and video recordings online, at www.internationalelitemusic.com and on the Competition’s social media and partners’ websites and the participant will not claim any property rights from it.
By entering the Competition, an applicant releases and holds International Elite Music Competition harmless from any and all liability for any injuries, loss or damage of any kind to the entrant or any other person, including personal injury or property damage, resulting in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, from acceptance, possession, use or misuse of any Award, participation in the Competition, any breach of the Competition Rules, or in any Award-related activity. The applicant agrees to fully indemnify International Elite Music Competition from any and all claims by third parties relating to the Competition, without limitation.